Wednesday, April 18, 2007

ipods bring a sense of community

This break is more so a break from various gmail side conversations than it is from actual work, but I will persist in posting anyhow. A real and valiant effort, I know.

Afterall, one can only be excited that their friend has been offered a full ride scholarship to med school for so long...

You know what would make this post even better is if I was wearing my ipod right now. I've taken to this habit at work as I have in all other aspects of my life. I'm sure that if ipods were waterproof I would shower with it on as well. Truly it saves me from dodgy social situations on a daily basis (no longer hear catcalls) as well as being an excuse for complete and utter apathy.

For instance, I'm going to cross the street now regardless of traffic.... better make sure you don't hit me! I'm wearing my ipod and am therefore completely irresponsible for not hearing oncoming buses or SEEing lights

Hmm, Or like last night when I didn't want to wait in the normal check out line in grocery stores. I think I'll take my 20+ items to the 10 item or less check out line. I don't have to hear the cashier chastising this move or the people behind me with one bottle of Tide bitching. If you are lucky, MAYBE I will take one earphone out!

Those little white earbuds are the equivalent of having "Fuck off" tattooed on your forehead (as if I don't already....) but slightly less painful and permanent

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