Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Text Messaging

Ok, so yes I've been surfing the web all morning instead of doing work and I came across this. Please read it:


Ok now that you're back, I hope you are all as appalled as I am. Oh wait I'm sorry, let me pat you on the back little 13 year old girl for spending your life texting and running up a nice little bill for mommy and daddy. Thank goodness we have the text messaging function at our disposal in life so you were able to send out 90358901 text messages along the lines of "BFF 4-ever!" to your friends sitting next to you in class, or else they wouldn't have received the message.

Ok fine, I'll admit it, I've had like 3 hour long conversations with close friends via text message, and it hasn't crossed my mind even once during that time to maybe pick up the phone and call. Perhaps I enjoy the anticipation of hearing that little "beep beep." Or perhaps I am just a social outcast who enjoys as little social interaction as possible (hence my addiction to text messaging's close cousins, AIM and gmail). Either way, I know I can't bash it completely because I enjoy that it grants me the ability to do the following (gosh I sure do make a lot of lists in life):

1) Avoid people
2) Annoy people
3) Talk about people right in front of them
4) Make obscene comments unsuitable for verbal sharing

Since I cannot let go of any of these benefits, I will have to endorse text messaging as a necessity in life, despite the fact that it allows 13 year olds to win $25000 all of which they will blow at the Limited Too and the fact that we may all develop chronic thumb problems in a few years.

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