Monday, April 23, 2007

Just call me Nature Girl

Matt's favorite thing to do EVER is backpacking... a.k.a. hauling 25 pounds of shit through the woods so you can sleep in the dirt. Being the wonderfully supportive girlfriend that I am, I'm trying to disregard my initial thoughts on backpacking (why the hell would anyone want to do that) and be open minded about it (I'll go and pretend to enjoy myself...unconvincingly).

So I went along with him this weekend when a church youth group hired him to lead them on a backpacking expedition. I found that my initial feelings of hostility toward this activity were completely unfounded. After all, who wouldn't enjoy these highlights of the trip:

1) Hauling a 25-pound backpack up a large mountain. Keep in mind that this is approximately 25% of my body weight.
2) Being too sore to walk, bend over, laugh, or squat the next day. Then hauling a 25-pound backpack up another mountain.
3) Walking into a face level spider web, complete with large hairy spider, on my way to pee in the woods.
4) Peeing on my leg.
5) Getting lost in the dark on my way back from peeing on my leg.
6) Wearing pee-leg pants for 10 hours the next day.
7) Picking beetles out of my hair in the morning.
8) Waking up to the lovely aroma of caked-on sweat from the day before.
9) Getting clumps of brown tree sap goo stuck to my hands while building a campfire, and having these clumps that closely resemble turds remain stuck to my hands 2 days later, after repeated scourings.

In the interests of being positive, I will say that there were a few redeeming moments of the trip, such as 360 degree breathtaking views at the top of the mountain. Why it is necessary to haul 25 pound backpacks and sleep in the dirt to appreciate these views... well, this I couldn't tell you. But if anyone asks, I had a GREAT time. Me telling Matt I hate backpacking would be like him telling me he hates horses (gasp).

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