Thursday, December 27, 2007


It's resurrected, bitches! In honor of the season... although I suppose that would actually be Easter. Anyhow, we are back in business-- the business of avoiding our subsequent businesses at all costs.

Speaking of seasonal humor, the true inspiration for this came from an amusing incident last weekend. As Christmas is the season of giving, you are sure to encounter on a per block basis a plethora of various charitable solicitations. Where there's a 5 gallon water jug...

Heading towards Columbus Circle, I encountered one such table and plastic jug. However, I judged it to be unmanned with great relief. There's nothing that makes you feel more shit than to ignore the less fortunate on Christmas. (Are holidays not designed ultimately to make us all feel like wretched human beings-- either through self-reflection, being asked "how's your love life" for teh 23058230th time, or blatant disregard for the welfare of others?)

Thankful to actually NOT have to blank the volunteer who you can only assume to be a person with an actual heart who does not in fact merely step over the homeless, I continued to walk on my merry way...

When I hear verbatim:

Heeyyy, Sexy

....... Care to make a donation to the homeless?

Both phrases in the same breath. Are you Serious? With that sales ploy yes I would like to donate my (imaginary) Christmas bonus!!

I have to admit that I was so taken aback that my outburst of laughter came nearly 20 meters past the stand. It took that long to process. Of course now I can only generalize this incident for my own convenience and assume that all volunteers are complete pervs and thus feel OK about never doing a single "nice" thing ever again.

I'm going to go play with the lump of coal I received in my stocking now. Har har har Actually I'm going to go back to drinking the delightful sambuca/espresso, which I employed my coworker to pick up from the corner liquor store...


Monday, May 7, 2007

Narrowly Escaping Death: Terror in the Lab

I know that writing about work is taboo, but since I don't do any work at work anymore, it doesn't count.

Instead I hide at my little dark cubby-hole-corner computer (where I was banished after the one at my desk died) and write on Facebook walls. It's really not that lonely; I am surrounded by hazardous waste containers whose fumes have been making me hallucinate lots of imaginary friends.

Because of the radioactive waste all over the place in my special home corner, it's the only place in the lab where you're not allowed to eat or drink. So of course I blatantly ignore this state law. Typically I have a coffee mug, a water bottle, and some food next to the computer. I even occasionally follow the 5-second-rule. What the hey -- I don't particularly care for children, so it doesn't matter if mine end up being born with 3 heads.

Friday morning, as I was vacantly staring at someone's Facebook profile who undoubtedly I have not spoken to in years, or maybe even ever, whom should arrive at the Bayliss lab but the State of Virginia Safetly Inspectors. They immediately began harassing one of my coworkers about our unlabeled waste containers, threatening $20,000 fines, so naturally she did what everyone in my lab does whenever there is any kind of problem, annoyance, or obnoxious complaining person nearby: direct them to me.

That's right, she led the state inspectors to me in my little corner, where I was at that moment harboring a highly illegal water bottle (think: $50,000 fine for my lab for this). With the computer in front of me blocking their view of the water, they proceeded to stare me down and lecture me on the dangers of unlabeled waste containers. At this point I was pretty much about to pee my pants, thinking that any second they would catch sight of the bottle.

With no other path out of my corner except the one blocked by the inspectors, and no where to hide my water bottle, I thought I was fucked. But then the inspector decided to turn his back for a split second to inspect some other Illegal Hazard on the other side of the room. I saw my opening, grabbed my water bottle and sprinted for the yellow tape that marked the end of the non-eating area.

I crossed the tape, thought I was home free...and the little bastard turned around and caught me. "EXCUSE me, but did I just see you bring that water from your desk?" He sounded like the brown-noser kid in 2nd grade who is pumped to tell the teacher that he caught the retarded boy next to him cheating on the times tables quiz.

(me, breaking into a sweat) "No, of course not, I know that that area is a non-eating and drinking area. I would never break that rule and had just picked up this bottle from the counter right here."

He glared at me, clearly thinking I was full of shit and frustrated that he had no proof. And then he left to harass some other poor undeserving underpaid lab technician.

Sarah: 1, State of Virginia: 0

Wow, girls are slutty

I'll say this is story from a coworker of mine so as to escape explaining how my office rents space from a larger accounting firm as do a few others so while it seems we work together, in actuality we do not. (Oh wait, i just explained it anyway)

So, over the course of lunch today (lovely time spent sitting overlooking the waterfront at battery park) this coworker (aka non-coworking Banker) is going on about a former client of his in France who would like to visit America.

Fine, not a problem. His thoughts are, "wouldnt it be nice to meet up while she was here... grab a drink, etc."

her thoughts are apparently, "I know someone vaguely in America, maybe I can use them for their apartment." I mean that's a bit cheeky but I'd have to admit I'd hit up friends of friends of friends just to avoid paying for even a hostel

his thoughts are, "Ok, you can stay with me... If you FUCK me" actually these are more than his thoughts, these are his words to her-- albeit jokingly...

her response? ....... "Why not" !!! (is it really that easy?)

I guess a kicker here would be that as this sounds like one of those crap stories in Maxim, "Maxim" is in fact the guy's name. Go figure.

Thursday, May 3, 2007


Why did I drink 7 drinks last night?
Why did I eat a burrito when I got home?
Why have I spent the entire day looking up Bungalow 8 and Tenjune on the internet?
Why am I moving to Kenya?
Why am I writing this blog when I have piles of work right next to me?
Why did I wake up dry heaving this morning?
Why did I tell my alarm clock to S my D?
Why was I rambling incoherently about cat urine last night?
Why am I going on full-fledge benders today, tomorrow, and sunday?


A Public Service Announcement

Dear Jamie,

Please stop being a bitch.

Everyone you encounter daily

Wednesday, May 2, 2007

i'm moving to nairobi

hey, just thought that i would inform all of my loyal readers that i will be moving to africa in 2 months...i think. the goal is to work for a nonprofit and try to return to the US in 6 months still alive. this is going to be quite a challenge, i know, but after 10 months of listening to bb and sm, i feel i am ready to take on this special challenge. i had a dream last night that i was living in nairobi and working at a human rights nonprofit, and everything was fine--i had friends, food, etc--but then one day i was mugged by these guys with machetes. so i guess im a little scared, but im going. so help me god. i



Pick up the pace!

Ok, so as you are already aware, I spend entirely too much time surfing yahoo and google for useless news stories during the workday. Anyway, read this first:

Ok, so most would react to this by thinking, gee, some of us need to slow down in life, take a breather, what's the big hurry? WRONG.

Maybe it's the competitive side of me talking, but....COME ON NEW YORKERS, PICK UP THE FRIGGIN PACE. What I want to know is how a place like Madrid (wonderful city don't get me wrong, I spent 6 months there) whose productivity rate can be likened to that of a stoned ADDer missing his meds, can blow us all out of the water. And perhaps my feelings in this regard are also slightly self-interested because I'm sick of walking behind people all day that feel it's acceptable to practically get down on all fours and crawl to work.

Ok, so maybe I exaggerate, and it's pretty much safe to say that my perception is skewed as I don't exactly "walk" to work - I more compete in the Olympic one-mile dash to work. This might explain why subsequent to completion of my morning "walk" through the city, I:

a) Want to keel over and die
b) Have broken a sweat and need to re-apply travel-size deodorant included in bag for this very reason (pleasant, yes I know)
c) Have the nagging urge to check my watch for the final time clocked

I know I know. Why would I want to run like a maniac to work, a place to which I dread going every day? But this is not the point. I don't care where I'm going every morning, or where you're going, but no matter what, I know that I have to beat you there.

You others might not be aware that by embarking on a journey through the city streets each morning that you are also unknowlingly signing up for a highly competitive road race against the rest of us, but it's the truth whether you like it or not. If you choose to forfeit entry and not to participate, then you run the risk of being characterized by others that encounter you as one of those foreign creatures that tends to walk at a pace 1/10th the average rate, has the frequent urge to pull out a camera and photograph anything from McDonald's signs in Time Square to the "air" in general, tends to sport a fanny pack, and is likely to elect Olive Garden or TGIFridays as an acceptable place to eat in a city of about 915028190 restaurants....otherwise known as the dreaded New York City "tourist".

With such considerations in mind, if you are a commuter or New Yorker, you may just want to strap on those running shoes and take part in that morning race afterall. And plus, myself and my few other crazy friends are getting sick of trying to hold up New York's speedwalking average rate on our own.

So come on New Yorkers and commuters, pick up the freaking pace already, before our average starts dipping to dangerously low Midwestern levels.

Thursday, April 26, 2007

I'm an incredibly positive and non-sarcastic person

Ok this is going to be really hard, but I'm going to try to write something positive that doesn't make people want to jump off of the Empire State Building after reading.

Hmmm....and I'm blanking, so I'm just going to make fun of people instead.

So I know I'm breaking the cardinal rule that forbids talking about work on the Blog, but I feel as though it would be a crime if I didn't share with you all some details about a few of the characters I've encountered at work...

1) BB
BB, otherwise known as "British Bitch," sports a boy hairdo and utters highly audible atrocious things daily in a thick British accent. She has been spotted verbally abusing her child over the phone, making her subordinates cry and hide under desks, and attacking co-workers on their choices of lunch foods in the company cafeteria.

2) SM
SM, otherwise known as "small midget" (yes I'm aware there is a redundancy there but both words are needed for emphasis), has an obviously short stature but nonetheless makes her presence known by yelling outrageous things to any that might cross her path. She is often accompanied by BB and is feared by many.

I've also encountered the following:

1) Attorney who puts on fake southern accent when speaking with her one imaginary client on the phone
2) Secretary who sprints 100 meter dashes across office floor to greet clients at the door
3) Male administrative assistant known to tell numerous pathological lies, but fear not, he does not fit into the PL asshole category.

I'm going to stop now. If you would like further details, I can provide them via private email. Or you can just wait to see them in the reality show that premieres, which will blow "The Office" out of the water.

blatant avoidance tactic

I'm on my third pen today and it's not even lunch.

Just like socks in the drier... except not. I am solely responsible for each tragic loss to the Bic generation. There is no sock monster or fourth dimension into which they paradoxically slip-- the pens anyway. I am fairly sure that sock monsters DO exist.

All this means is that I AM dumb. And needlessly frantic. I think I'd rather not write another thing all day than give myself the satisfaction of breaking in a new pen. (weird sense of masochism)


Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Guess my mood; Win a prize for the lady...

Apparently, I am bipolar. Or something of the psychologically unstable persuasion.

I like to think of myself as a relatively laid back, even-keeled sort of gal, however i seem to be failing miserably at having others think this. In the past hour I've been told first that today I am in a good mood only minutes later to be asked if everything was ok because I sounded 'down' over the phone.

Ok, first of all... why people feel it is necessary to comment to me on my own mood is a bit confusing and why they keep a running tab of said mood is just bewildering??? Really? Why? What do you care? and how do you suppose to know this?? How much can you surmise from "Hello". I don't mean to say it differently-- can you really sense tears or anger or ecstasy in two syllables??


This is not only today, but rather a common occurence. In fact, yesterday I was compared to Droopy (yeah the cartoon bassett hound who says everything is fine but sounds miserable). Or last week when my boss was out and I communicated online with him-- "You seem in a good mood, maybe I should not come back to the office" (to which I nearly screamed and cried! That's not even FUNNY, Loic). I did not know a voice, or instant messaging, could convey such emotion. The enormous bags under my eyes I think would be slightly more telling... YES I have been working 12 hour days. I AM miserable but how do you know?? ARE YOU PSYCHIC. It just makes me suspicious.

I think the only answer is voice hamogination skills. I dont like these people "knowing" I am going to act happy when I am sad and sad when I am happy or maybe angry when I am happy (there are a lot of different options). Anything to throw them off the scent.......

Text Messaging

Ok, so yes I've been surfing the web all morning instead of doing work and I came across this. Please read it:

Ok now that you're back, I hope you are all as appalled as I am. Oh wait I'm sorry, let me pat you on the back little 13 year old girl for spending your life texting and running up a nice little bill for mommy and daddy. Thank goodness we have the text messaging function at our disposal in life so you were able to send out 90358901 text messages along the lines of "BFF 4-ever!" to your friends sitting next to you in class, or else they wouldn't have received the message.

Ok fine, I'll admit it, I've had like 3 hour long conversations with close friends via text message, and it hasn't crossed my mind even once during that time to maybe pick up the phone and call. Perhaps I enjoy the anticipation of hearing that little "beep beep." Or perhaps I am just a social outcast who enjoys as little social interaction as possible (hence my addiction to text messaging's close cousins, AIM and gmail). Either way, I know I can't bash it completely because I enjoy that it grants me the ability to do the following (gosh I sure do make a lot of lists in life):

1) Avoid people
2) Annoy people
3) Talk about people right in front of them
4) Make obscene comments unsuitable for verbal sharing

Since I cannot let go of any of these benefits, I will have to endorse text messaging as a necessity in life, despite the fact that it allows 13 year olds to win $25000 all of which they will blow at the Limited Too and the fact that we may all develop chronic thumb problems in a few years.

It's the little things in life, really

One of the fundamental differences between Charlottesville and NYC, I think, is that the Starbucks is a 5-minute walk away instead of having 3 or 4 (or 12) within eyesight. Being the lazy person that I am, I opt to buy my morning coffee at the Higher Grounds conveniently located inside my building instead of trekking to Starbucks.

As I was waiting for my latte this morning I absentmindedly stared at their list of flavored drinks, each with its own special name. These were four of the options:
Black Love
Mother's Milk
Mounds (my personal favorite)

Did they do this intentionally, or do I have serious mind-in-gutter issues?

Monday, April 23, 2007

i need pills

picture this, if you will:

a beautiful, sunny day in new york city. employed manhattanites are sitting on the citigroup steps with their co-workers and consuming a delightful assortment of foods--sandwiches, soup, shredded lamb--oh my! a bubbling fountain glistens in the background. work is temporarily forgotten as the occupants of the aforemented steps take dainty bites of their respective lunches and wave at friends passing by. the men are utilizing their precious lunch hour to discuss friendly, masculine, non-work related topics like the yankees, armani suits, and the crazy bitches who were shouting V-A-G through the streets of the meatpacking district on friday night. the ladies are sitting crosslegged on the same steps, their legs dangling childishly, commenting on the outfits and general appearances of other women. all of these men and women are wearing black business suits, though many a collar is loosened and many a sleeve rolled up.

in the background, blurred behind a sea of black and white suits from saks, two young women are sprinting through the citigroup fountain barefoot. they are wearing bright, colorful skirts, one of which could be considered "a bit too short" for the work environment. one by one, each citigroup head turns to cast a look of disgust at these young women, all of them thinking one of three things:

1. were those the v-a-g girls from friday?
2. they are going to contract some form of foot fungus, hepatitis, or step on a saringe that was cast into the fountain by a disgruntled homeless person.
3. they have a mentally degenerative disease. perhaps not dementia or down syndrome, but something along the lines of a forest gump or gilbert grape-like malfunction.

i no longer experience the emotion of embarrassment. it is liberating.

Just another typical night out in NYC...

Ok, I'd like to take this opportunity to express the fact that I am having an increasing amount of difficulty going out in NYC without doing the following:

1) Providing the general public with verbalities and scenes that may be considered somewhat non-conformist and just downright inappropriate;
2) Consuming an amount of alcohol at least 10 times the legal or simply acceptable limit for someone of my age/size;
3) Experiencing various losses in physical ability and brain-to-muscle and brain-to-nerve functioning, such as my ability to stand, walk, pronounce words and use at least some level of discretion when choosing to speak;
4) Encountering an extremely wide variety of members of the opposite sex that while different from one another all seem to strangely converge in their joint custody of the following traits: completely lacking in any creative initiative when engaging in pick-up attempts, and possessing a sad excuse for a sense of humor, personality and acceptable appearance, otherwise known as New York City's quite diverse demographic of complete and utter CREEPS.

With that preface in mind, shall I do a recap of my Friday night in the city?

Friday night, April 20, 2007, at approximately 11:30 pm, I entered the "Dirty Disco" in the meat-packing district. Now one would think that with a name like "Dirty Disco," the night would be relatively tame. NOT. (again, bringing that usage of "Not" back whether you like it or not).

Anyway, so night at Dirty Disco commences at 11:30 pm, and so far, it's a relatively quiet venue. I have yet to witness any puking, grinding, molestation, table dancing, pick-up attempts, public urination, or dancing by white males easily mistakable for uncontrollable seizure/muscle spasms. I'm thinking to myself, hey this might just be the low-key night in NYC I knew I could experience at least once. Wrong.

1) Myself and others present at the club encounter an asshole that must most definitely be added to our growing list of asshole genotypes (as a follow-up to Maggie's highly informative asshole blog). This asshole may be termed the "pathological liar asshole." He has been known to craft imaginary friendships and relationships with celebrities in his head which he then brings to fruition through pathetic pick-up attempt conversation with girls he meets out. If you know of some assholes yourselves, and need help determining if any might fit into this category, let me give you an example:

(Let's call him PL asshole by the way). Ok, so PL asshole approaches you in a club and says a little something like this:

"Hey, how are you, having a good time tonight? (Insert more stupid filler dialogue). Yesterday, Tom Cruise and I had coffee and are good friends."
Translation = "Yesterday I had coffee at Starbuck's and there was a TV screen there that was showing a recap of the Tom Cruise couch-jumping Oprah episode."
Your appropriate response = Hey, cool, but Tom Cruise is a tool which makes you one by even your imagined association.

Ok so we encounter PL asshole in the Dirty Disco. He sees that perhaps we are girls with some morsel of intelligence whose mental curiosity has perhaps encouraged us to pick up a few books and read. He proceeds to tell us that he is good longtime friend of esteemed author David Sedaris; HOWEVER, he was apparently out to lunch and utterly unaware that David Sedaris is in fact gay and has any affiliation with Paris. What a complete idiot and absolutely qualifying PL asshole.

Anyway, so subsequent to encountering PL asshole, we proceed to dance or should I say drink and "stumble purposefully" (what I like to call my dancing) the night away, encountering further specimens of the NYC race of male creeps. These included the "Oh where are you from I'm pretending I care so much right now" types, the "Here do you want another drink aka 1950890 so I can molest you" types, the "let's bust out of this joint and go to another club aka my bed" types, etc....the list is endless. During this time, we also decide we are important enough to invent our own drinks and name them after ourselves. We all order several "Maggie McQuades" from the bartender, in response to which the bartender wears a look of confusion and apparent fatigue over having to cope nightly with the stupid drunken ideas of stupid drunken customers. But I whisper "vanilla vodka/gingerale" to her and she proceeds to fill our orders. And she thanks me as the next time she is completely prepared as we jump to the counter and order about 50 more "MM's."

Eventually tired of the scene and the creep bombardment, we decide to leave the Dirty Disco world for the night and make an attempt at "The Plumm" next door. All I can say is thank goodness for a place like "The Plumm" that creates such social standards outside its doors that allow a man wearing a full fur coat and sunglasses when it's friggin 70 degrees out and nighttime to dictate who is "in" and who is "out." We stand there for a while, desperately attempting to win over this fur-bearer's affection so that we may receive his "cool" stamp of approval and enter this Plumm world of complete and utter cool. We finally get in because some other random guy at the door notes we are looking decidedly unhappy and decides to take pity on us. We enter and are told to pay 25 dollars. Screw that shit, we're leaving.

Time to hail a cab. This should be made easier by screaming obscenities and waving the middle finger to all passer-by in the street. Thank God alcohol was able to fill us in on these key aspects of hailing a cab. A cabbie in a momentary lapse of judgment decides to accept us as passengers. Now I don't know what it is about alcohol that allows you and your pals to get on a completely obscene subject and dwell on it for the rest of the night completely inappropriately. For us this involved specific human body parts that are generally regarded as taboo subjects for loud public dialogue. I'll spare you the details, but let's just say we informed the cabbie, every person on the NYC street within a 10 mile radius, the doorman at Maggie's apartment, all those residing in Maggie's building, innocent elevator by-standers, and friends accessible by cell phone and facebook of our feelings regarding above-discussed body parts.

Aside from inappropriate public discussion, the ridiculousness factor of our night was increased tenfold by, believe it or not, the presence of an Oreck vacuum. Preface to this: Maggie lives in an apartment that is extremely nice and relatively clean; however, she has been perpetually plagued as of late by the deteriorating appearance of her apartment rug, an essential aspect of her apartment decor. Day and night she has searched for remedies to the situation, in response to which a mysterious package labeled "Oreck" arrived in the mail.

Upon entrance into Maggie's apt. building that night, the Oreck vacuum package was spotted immediately, sitting next to the guilty doorman. There was nothing he could do to stop the group of overexcited and dangerously intoxicated girls completely focused on acquisition of said vacuum. The vacuum was obtained without signature, and took a rather fun adventure up to the 30th floor, which involved crawling on the lobby floor in order to push the vacuum, throwing of vacuum into the elevator, narrowly missing others present in the elevator who had no idea that by entering the elevator that night they were in fact at risk of experiencing a "death by Oreck." Upon final arrival at Maggie's apartment, the Oreck was laid to rest in a corner and the tired but accomplished girls all collapsed in a heap around it.

I'm too tired to write anymore, as I'm still recovering. But just wanted to give you a taste of just another night out in the city. I hope you all can come join in the normalcy sometime.

Just call me Nature Girl

Matt's favorite thing to do EVER is backpacking... a.k.a. hauling 25 pounds of shit through the woods so you can sleep in the dirt. Being the wonderfully supportive girlfriend that I am, I'm trying to disregard my initial thoughts on backpacking (why the hell would anyone want to do that) and be open minded about it (I'll go and pretend to enjoy myself...unconvincingly).

So I went along with him this weekend when a church youth group hired him to lead them on a backpacking expedition. I found that my initial feelings of hostility toward this activity were completely unfounded. After all, who wouldn't enjoy these highlights of the trip:

1) Hauling a 25-pound backpack up a large mountain. Keep in mind that this is approximately 25% of my body weight.
2) Being too sore to walk, bend over, laugh, or squat the next day. Then hauling a 25-pound backpack up another mountain.
3) Walking into a face level spider web, complete with large hairy spider, on my way to pee in the woods.
4) Peeing on my leg.
5) Getting lost in the dark on my way back from peeing on my leg.
6) Wearing pee-leg pants for 10 hours the next day.
7) Picking beetles out of my hair in the morning.
8) Waking up to the lovely aroma of caked-on sweat from the day before.
9) Getting clumps of brown tree sap goo stuck to my hands while building a campfire, and having these clumps that closely resemble turds remain stuck to my hands 2 days later, after repeated scourings.

In the interests of being positive, I will say that there were a few redeeming moments of the trip, such as 360 degree breathtaking views at the top of the mountain. Why it is necessary to haul 25 pound backpacks and sleep in the dirt to appreciate these views... well, this I couldn't tell you. But if anyone asks, I had a GREAT time. Me telling Matt I hate backpacking would be like him telling me he hates horses (gasp).

Friday, April 20, 2007

A Haiku Response

Bitches and Assholes
Who does not know both of you?
The streets of New York

this poem needs time to ripen...

Research sucks

ahem... AAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRGHHHHHHHHHHH adjfa;lskjdflksajdfl;ksafdjl;aksjdf;lskgj

(scream of frustration accompanied by toddler-style keyboard pounding)

If anyone reading this EVER even CONSIDERS getting a PhD and going into ANY type of research, STOP YOURSELF NOW BEFORE IT'S TOO LATE.

I found out today that because of a cruel trick of the miniscule processes of protein production that go on in every living organism, the last 2 YEARS of experimental work I have done will be 90% worthless. Not to mention the work of about 3 or 4 other people, and hundreds of thousands of dollars wasted. No exaggeration.

It's a long story and I'm sure you don't want me to try and explain the details. All I am capable of verbalizing today is that RESEARCH SUCKS. I mean, I hated my job already, but I thought I would at least get a publication or 2 with my name on it out of this hell I've been enduring for the past year. Turns out that I chopped off mouse tails and executed mice in miniature gas chambers 40 hours a week to be left at the end of this with... NOTHING. Except a guilty conscience and some really gross memories.

Get me out of here.


In response to Ms. Emily Sarokhan's profound post below, I would like to examine the bitch's alterego:

the asshole.

God, where do I start? Assholes are everywhere in New York. The doorman who smiles and says "have a nice day" and then proceeds to talk shit about me with his fellow doormen in espanol, the little boy who is screaming/crying "MOMMMMMMM I WANT ICE CREAM" (asshole in the making), and businessman who tries to cut in front of me in get the picture. below, i have listed some of the most popular types of assholes:

1. The "i am so hot i can bang any girl i want because i go tanning and gel my hair and take roids" asshole:
Do I even need to describe this type? One look at these losers and you know you are dealing with an asshole of extreme form. When dealing with this type, please realize that the asshole in question was probably verbally abused as a child and is probably hyped up on aderol right now. These assholes started as nice kids, but years of abuse from family members/peers have turned a perfectly good kid into asshole #1. the orange skin, gel in hair, 4 hours at the gym each day...all part of the quest for this asshole to feel good about himself. this is the character who spends the majority of his time sexually harrassing women of all shapes and sizes in places like marquee or pink elephant (he is on a first name basis with the doormen). this asshole usually attracts slutty girls and berates self-respecting women. he has posters of paris hilton and a variety of famous porn stars on his walls. you can usually spot A#1 by looking for cold sores on his lips. enticing.

2. The "i was here first so i am staying in this seat even though you are 8 months pregnant and it is 85 degrees in here" asshole:
Usually a bitter, older man who will disrespect you to your face. A#2 is not only rude to women, but to men, children, and living things in general (plants and animals). this is the guy who speeds his car up through the crosswalk when the pedestrians have the "go" sign. he flashes his finger high in the air when the aforementioned pedestrians yell, "fuck you, asshole." i actually found myself in a physical altercation with A#2 just this morning, when he pushed me off the sidewalk and into the street on his way to work. i, being a bitch, ran back onto the sidewalk just to push him back. the situation could have escalated quickly, and i almost wish it did, so i could be in the police station all day today instead of here, writing this.

3. the eclectic "i hate everyone in the whole wide world and i am going to kill myself soon so that gives me the right to blatantly disrespect you" asshole:
Clynically depressed. Usually went to art school. Lives in soho or greenwich village. Sits in his room smoking in the corner while editing his "lives that i am going to terminate soon" list. hair died black. looks anorexic. various piercings. A#3 will tell you to go fuck yourself if you ask him for the time or directions.

4. The "i drive a porsche and let women off the elevator first but in reality have no respect for them" asshole:
Usually hails from Greenwich, Connecticut or a similar place. A#4 attended private school for his entire childhood and then went off to excel in his studies at Yale. He now works at Goldman and summers in the Hamptons. This man has impeccable manners--he holds the door, says "excuse me, miss, i think you dropped this," he pays for dinner, etc. Sounds great, right? These assholes are usually not exposed in their true form until after they have been in a relationship for 6 months or more. If you meet one on the street, you'll think "my, what a gentlemen." STAY AWAY!!!! you will soon discover that he is a mysogynist with a capital M. He will someday cheat on his wife and become emotionally estranged from his children.

5. Assholes in female form:
I include myself in this category for the following reasons:
- i scream obscenities every morning as i'm getting ready for work. omg where is my
- i am 40 minutes late every single morning. i then proceed to take a 30 minutes starbucks
break, read perezhilton, talk on gmail, and do other miscellaneous bullshit things like this
blog. talk about blatent disrespect.
- i call my mom and blame her for the fact that my vacuum doesn't work/the lamp is
broken in my apartment. bitch.
- i told the guy with the beard and top hat who sits on the corner of park and 52nd to stop
fucking asking me if im jewish. he told me i was going to burn in hell. i told him to get a
real job.

that's it. have a nice day. sincerely, A#5


Ok before you write this post off as being completely inappropriate, please be aware that my intention here is to seriously analyze the history, types, and some of the motivations behind being what we like to call a "bitch."

The bitch phenomenon materialized pretty much since the creation of man, or should I say woman, but I feel as though in recent times it has metastasized at a particularly rapid rate. Ok maybe that's just because I'm in New York City, and in a city of 8 million people, hey, you're bound to run into a good number of bitches. But before you go getting testy, or should I say "bitchy" in reaction to this, please be aware that I am not excluding myself from this category. I know for a fact that those who have encountered me on the streets of New York have in one way or another written me off either mentally or what is often the case, vocally, as a "bitch." I am not too sure of the reasoning for this, but believe it may have something to do with my propensity to shove people when they are walking too slowly in front of me, or perhaps it's the look of utter disgust that seems to always define my facial expressions on weekdays before the hour of 9 am. Either way, I would like to think that under the personality category next to my name that the word "bitch" does not appear. Instead, I hope that the description reads something along the lines of "is generally nice, friendly and attentive to others, but at times extremely bitchy." But enough about me, let's talk about other bitches.

Types of Bitches:

1) Bitches in Disguise: Some of you may have taken time out of your day to catch the movie "Mean Girls." Trust me, time well spent. I cannot emphasize to you enough the high educational value of this movie, specifically with regards to the topic at hand. Anyway, as for my first category "bitches in disguise," I like to describe these girls as the "I love your skirt so much (NOT)" girls. If they don't have a burn book at home, they have something like it. Oh and completely off topic, but extremely important, I'm bringing back the above use of "NOT" in daily conversation. I love how it grants you the ability to instill within people an overwhelming sense of hope and gratitude and then allows you to instantly stifle it with one giant crushing utterance of this wonderful little three letter word. What power! Wow I am a bitch.

2) Explicit Bitches:

These girls cannot hide their bitchiness no matter how hard they try. Everything about them emanates bitchiness, it even seeps out through their pores. I may or may not work with some of them...

3) Fleeting Bitches:

This is a popular category that many of us fit into about once a month. It is a much more excusable type of bitchiness, and ranks much lower on the bitchiness richter scale.

4) Disgustingly Nice Bitches:

These girls are so nice and bubbly and friendly it's disgusting. You may confuse this with category one and think it is purposeful fakeness. But this category differs in that these girls actually think they are this happy and friendly and love everyone. What they naively do not realize is that they are so happy and disgustingly nice that it actually categorizes them as some of the worst bitches out there.

I hope I have now sufficiently depressed you. Of course there are a million other types of bitches out there that I did not touch upon. And we have not yet delved beneath the surface of what actually leads someone down the bitchiness road. But do not worry, I'm not going anywhere, and there are more posts to be done...

Thursday, April 19, 2007

My Boss, my brother, my lover

You know, there has always been something a bit off concerning interactions with Loic (that's my boss... he's French) from the start:

- Firstly, I interviewed for my position over Skype using the video-conferencing feature. Unfortunately, I was put at a distinct disadvantage to this point insofar as, the "video" part of it worked one way-- he saw me. Whoever this guy with charming, hinting at english but french accent is was a mystery to me.

- I spent the first month working in the "office" but without my boss.... still only phone conversations and between conversation and heresay, I developed the ever-so cliched crush on my boss (sight unseen)

- The last 2 months Loic has been here, in real life person-- completely living up to every expectation I had of him (it's heart-wrenching) but the crush has finally subsided-- even so, our repore is not standard.

... For instance, he's protective: Loic's been taking issue lately with our sales guys being harsh with me and addressed it with both the CEO and informed me he will let the guys know to back off in a national meeting next week (totally unsolicited). I've never complained about this but he's made notice of it just by the tone of my voice when he overhears me on the phone with them. That's a little too perceptive no? I'm not crying, I'm not angry, it's a very minor strain if any to pick up on.
... For instance, he's attentive: he has brought back many a coffee from the Pret next door for me
... For instance, he's perceptive: Aside from my phone demeanor I said something just yesterday where he's like OK great but you mean exactly the opposite. I mean your boyfriend barely ever picks up on what you REALLY mean by what you say.
... For instance, he's just plain flirtatious: OK so my aversion to showering MAY have come up and ever since then it cannot be dropped. He's teasing me constantly on one thing or another and some of it has deffo been borderline inappropriate....

IS there a chance?? That infamous affair with your boss would be SUPER

Makes me wonder..........................

- Makes me stop wondering when recalling the few dinners I've had with he and his beautiful perfect French girlfriend

- Makes me wonder..................... And I've finally decided the guy is more like a BROTHER to me. And when I say brother I dont mean like actual brother. I mean it in the way that Black people use it, which is more meaningful I think...That's what is wrong. I've never had one, but I'm pretty sure he's like that protective popular one you always wanted.

REALLY THOUGH, I'm not opposed to an incestuous Arkansas style fling

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Bachelorettes Anonymous

Is there a support group for recovering perpetually single people?

With yesterday's 5 month anniversary, I have now passed all previous pathetic personal length-of-relationship records. In the past I had a 2 month statute of limitations. Once this time period expired, the said boyfriend would no longer be eligible for any kind of interest whatsoever from me. Oh, except that one time I got dumped. But let's not talk about that.

I am coming to realize that I truly was, and still am, despite my best efforts to change, the female equivalent of a male bachelor. Often you don't know what you had until it's gone. For example: I like letting my legs get hairy in the winter. I like wearing ugly grandma underwear whenever I feel like it. When I don't feel like doing laundry 2 weeks in a row, I enjoy wearing ugly grandma underwear with large holes in it, knowing that it's my own little secret (and yours now too I suppose. Tell anyone and I kill you). When I'm in a random bitchy mood for no particular reason, I like being mean to everyone within a 50 foot radius of my personal space and curling up on the couch with my pals Ben & Jerry. I like making spur of the moment plans with friends. I like spending all day Saturday and Sunday doing the things I love by myself: riding my horse, running on dirt roads, buying trashy magazines and reading them in Starbucks. I like spending Friday and Saturday nights drunkenly with friends and other random people and seeing where the night takes me.

I have come to realize that I am more stuck in my ways than a 50-year-old unmarried man. My horse is his Corvette. My Starbucks and girl nights are his beer and football.

Now that the 2 month grace period of falling in love has passed (where both people think the other is absolutely perfect, can do no wrong, and was sent to Earth by God to be their soulmate) I'm finally starting to notice the flaws that my boyfriend, just like every other person in the world, most defintely has. He leaves gross little hairs in the soap. He farts a lot. He expects me to make plans 2 weeks in advance and pencil them in on his calendar. He doesn't have a car because he doesn't need one, but needs to borrow mine 2-3 times a week.

As I struggle to find time for work, horse, friends, and boyfriend, I find my alone time dwindling more and more. I also hear the little voice in the back of my head more frequently cutting through the fog of true-love bliss, screaming, "CUT AND RUN!!! RUN FOR YOUR LIFE!! THIS GUY FARTS MORE THAN YOU DO!!!"

When I think I'm about to explode from craving my single life freedom, I finally dump on him the 29040384098 little things that have been pissing me off. And what never ceases to amaze me is that inevitably he responds with something like, "You're right. I'm sorry and I'll really work hard to change that." How the hell can you get any satisfaction out of arguing with someone when they actually concede and AGREE with you?!?! This is a new one on me... and maybe what makes this one different.

So if anyone has heard of a Bachelorettes Anonymous support group, sign me up for that shit.

ps - Em, does this mean you've been recording your daily run-ins with the midget in your diary? Maybe right next to the little hearts and cupids you drew all over the margins?

ipods bring a sense of community

This break is more so a break from various gmail side conversations than it is from actual work, but I will persist in posting anyhow. A real and valiant effort, I know.

Afterall, one can only be excited that their friend has been offered a full ride scholarship to med school for so long...

You know what would make this post even better is if I was wearing my ipod right now. I've taken to this habit at work as I have in all other aspects of my life. I'm sure that if ipods were waterproof I would shower with it on as well. Truly it saves me from dodgy social situations on a daily basis (no longer hear catcalls) as well as being an excuse for complete and utter apathy.

For instance, I'm going to cross the street now regardless of traffic.... better make sure you don't hit me! I'm wearing my ipod and am therefore completely irresponsible for not hearing oncoming buses or SEEing lights

Hmm, Or like last night when I didn't want to wait in the normal check out line in grocery stores. I think I'll take my 20+ items to the 10 item or less check out line. I don't have to hear the cashier chastising this move or the people behind me with one bottle of Tide bitching. If you are lucky, MAYBE I will take one earphone out!

Those little white earbuds are the equivalent of having "Fuck off" tattooed on your forehead (as if I don't already....) but slightly less painful and permanent

A little person in a not so big world after all...

Ok, so I think I may have found my soulmate. And I am the last to believe that there is just one person out there for all of us, but due to some recent encounters, I have begun to think that perhaps life is more than just a series of coincidences, and more like an arrangement of events that may be more deliberate than we know. Anyway on to my point...

Over the past few months, I have encountered the "little person," who played the children's book author in "Elf," with unusual frequency in various locations throughout the NYC and NJ area. And I don't just mean I see him daily in the Starbuck's on 53rd between Madison and Park that I have entrusted to feed my disgusting caffeine habit for pretty much every day of my life since last July. In actuality, no matter how much I alter my routine each day, our paths seem to always cross.

Sightings over the past few months:
1) Walking down Madison Ave., approximately 1 pm
2) Fresco on 52nd between Madison and Park, 2 pm
3) Bistro on 51st between Madison and Park, 12:30 pm
4) 53rd and 5th E train subway station, 6:30 pm
5) Second Madison Ave. sighting, 7 pm
6) Second Bistro sighting, 1 pm
7) Hoboken, NJ Shoprite on 10th and Madison, this past Sat., 3 pm.
8) Second Fresco sighting, 1:30 pm

Ok do you see how this is getting a little ridiculous? Ok obviously we must live and work near one another. Regardless, I need to go up to him and tell him 1) He was phenomenal in the movie "Elf," and 2) We are destined to be together.

P.S. On a completely unrelated note, this tall iced skim caffe mocha is to die for. The blueberry muffin I just devoured is a close second.

new discovery

cappuchino + muffins + walking around nyc in the morning = kills about an hour of work time.

i would also like to pose this question:

why do people feel the need to spit on the sidewalk in the morning? there is nothing more disgusting than dodging mounds of loogies (sp?) on my morning walk to work. it kinda kills my appetite for the coffee/muffins.

here's a fun fact that em shared with me over breakfast:
most suicide attempts off the empire state building actually fail because people don't jump far enough.....they end up on ledges or something.

as you can see, our morning discussions are somewhat less than positive.

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

I thought this would be a fitting color for my posts, seeing as my hair is red, not orange.

On any other day I would be quite content to bitch about my job and the daily annoyances that come with it (I went down into the mouse room yesterday to find that they are now housing BUNNIES there as research animals. Future rant to come.) ...but today is different.

I'm usually the first to scorn media hype surrounding an event like yesterday's, but today for some reason I find myself compulsively checking and facebook for updates about Tech. For some reason, being at UVA brings this close to home. Part of it is frustration at still not knowing all of the names of those killed -- wondering if acquaintances or friends' little brothers and sisters are among them. Tech is our neighbor and arch rival, but like a family member as well... kind of like that annoying aunt who always causes family drama, but shows up at every single family function anyway. So many Virginia families hold dual loyalty to both schools, with students and alma maters divided between the two. When I first heard the news yesterday, I found myself calculating in my head the time it would take for a shooter to drive from Tech to UVA, and pondering the (im)probability of such a thing happening. Ridiculous and totally preposterous, I know. Not to mention selfish. Gotta love that self-preservation trumps all other thoughts in the pecking order of my brain.

It makes me sad, mostly. Part of me is energized to go out and give back something positive to the world somehow. But the depressed part of me wants to go home, eat a pint of Ben & Jerry's on the couch and cry about the state of the world we live in. So I'm compromising by actually attending my Tuesday night volunteering shift in the pediatric ER this week... I may or may not have played hooky last week. Who plays hooky from a VOLUNTEER obligation?!

Me, evidently. Hard to question my own moral character when using a man who would kill 31 innocent people as comparison. But not doing anything particularly atrochious doesn't justify not doing anything particularly positive.


Coffee and gun violence

Well, I think I'll post my first entry while on hold. This being fitting of the way most of my days transpire as of late (I could go into a philosophical analogy of my life being on hold but frankly I feel just the opposite and I wish I could perform that Zach Morris 'Time Out' trick).

There's the commute, there's the snooze button (record-setting 1.5 hours of pushing it myself just the other day), but I think most importantly (and I am suprised, em, that you have not touched on this): there is the coffee. You know what is truly amazing is that it is quite capable of shaping your day. Yes in a world of chaos, pandemonium and senseless violence, we will always have Starbucks or "my rock" as I like to refer to it. If you have a Pret nearby I highly recommend theirs also... I'm missing the point already *pause for caffeine injection*-- my only real and rather unsubstantial comment is to say that coffee, nay the mere offer of coffee, is so refreshing that I've lasted an entire 3 hours managing to stay in a relatively stable mood. With every sip of sweetened bitterness (coffee with sugar is an oxymoron of flavour is it not?), I forget the 33 people killed yesterday at Tech....... Oh wait, I just remembered. Awful, I can't post about coffee. This is bullshit.

Can you believe I am STILL on hold???

wake up maggie i think i've got something to say to you

my alarm went off this morning at 7:45 and i just thought,


eff this.

and by "eff" i mean


so i turned it off and, subsequently, sprinted into work 93 minutes late. i would like to add that i did not shower this morning, and i brushed my teeth in the company bathroom after i checked in.

can you say degenerate? im such a loser.

The wonders of commuting

Well, I have to say that yesterday, Monday, April 16, 2007, was a little too Armageddon-themed for my liking. It's hard to know anymore what's going to happen next in these unstable times and it's all just a little too consuming. But one thing that's nice is that there will always be life's refreshing trivialities to take us away from the more serious madness, and people are amazingly resilient, able to resume their daily atrocious habits and ridiculous behaviors subsequent to even the most monumental of tragedies. Sure enough, my morning commute into the city was so delightfully typical:

1) Sleepwalk to bus stop, receive catcalls from Mexicans in truck on the way, attempt to cross street in the crosswalk and narrowly avoid near-death experience from approaching car with allegedly broken brakes.
2) Board bus to work. Gaze around for empty seats and find none available due to full occupancy. Hang on for dear life as the bus driver who apparently has a license winds through streets of Hoboken. Make mental note that chivalry is dead as men aboard the bus stay happily seated and watch with a reserved pity this frazzled-looking curly haired girl attempt to not spill the contents of her bag and her sanity all over the bus floor.
3) Arrive at Port Authority. Scene is remniscent of the running of the bulls in Pamplona, except I think the bulls are nicer.
4) Walk down to subway station, catapulted backwards while attempting to board the E train. Watch man dive into packed subway before it pulls away. His jacket is caught in the door and hey, he might not make it to the next station, but at least he didn't have to wait 2 minutes for the next train.
5) Arrive at desired E train stop. Escalators broken, or more like someone just didn't feel like turning them on. Everyone, elderly and youth alike, must climb the 500 stairs standing between the subway station and the outside world. I keel over at the top while the elderly whiz by me.
6) Almost to the subway exit, but first must artfully dodge line-up of advertisers, solicitors and representatives of the AM Metro newspaper. No I do not want a haircut, eyebrow threading, pizza, or religious conversion all before the hour of 9 am.
7) Exit subway station, enter work location, commute complete.

Why am I so exhausted--didn't the work day just begin?

Monday, April 16, 2007

ps. please note that i screwed up the font in the middle of my last blog.

the correct color should be this

Our Very First Entry

Welcome to your blog, self!! Em, I think that we should each have a distinct font.

This will be mine (Georgia/Neon Blue).

So, where to start? I think I might be having a heart attack right now. It's a little pinch right in the middle of my heart, which I am certain is the direct result of a diet based entirely on chocolate covered gummi bears and pizza with ranch dip. can you say FATTYYYYY?!

In other news, I could not get out of bed this morning, as usual. I left my apartment at 9:05 in the AM. My eyelids are all puffy, and I have enormous, purple sacks underneath my eyes. The lines are now so deep that they cut across my entire face and into my hairline. I look like Forest Gump when he was running across the United States of America, minus the incredibly toned abdomen region and rippling calves. ooooh forest...

T-1.5 hours. Not soon enough.